domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Mi arbol genealogico

My grandparents
Valentina Caballero Hernandez
 My grandmother was born on July 25 1937.Ella was devoted to domestic chores, alos 16 years had their first hijo.Ella died on October 21, 2002 due to a heart attack.

Ramon Loyo Bello 
My grandfather was born on August 30, 1931. The field was dedicated to the very young. He met my grandmother when I was 17. He became a father at age 22. He died on August 8, 1965 due to respiratory failure.
My grandmother's brothers
Antonio Caballero Hernandez
Gaudencio Caballero Hernandez

Juventino Caballero Hernandez
Fidel Caballero Hernandez
My parents

Celia Loyo Caballero
Ignacio Gonzalez Hoyos
My mom's brothers

Margarito Loyo Caballero

Ada Loyo Caballero

Brothers of my father

Maria Luisa Gonzalez Hoyos
Gerardo Gonzalez Hoyos
Bartolo Gonzalez Hoyos 

Eduardo Gonzalez Loyo


 Citlali del Pilar Perez Loyo

Gelacio Perez Loyo

Victor Alfonso Loyo Olivares

Magali Loyo Olivares

Cassandra Loyo Olivares

Valeria Loyo Olivares


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